Psychotherapy in Santa Barbara

By Neil Friedman on Mar 05, 2012 at 02:05 PM in Helpful Resources

Santa Barbara is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and yet, there are thousands of individuals who might struggle from some sort of stress,loss or psychiatric condition.  Sometimes,support systems and/or medical assistance can help with these ailments.  Other times, psychotherapy can assist or faciliate more rapid recovery and change patterns to increase fulfillment and reduce suffering.  It is easy to get locked into routine ways of behaving or thinking that can perpetuate our problems.  Messages that are stored in are brain can interfere with our ability to tap into our strengths and resources reducing our abvility to effectively deal with relationship, career and social goals.  By consulting with a therapist, one can become aware of these interferring processes and create strategies to work through issues to more fully engage with one's environment and to be better prepared to actualize one's goals.

Neil Friedman, Santa Barbara Therapist

Neil Friedman, LCSW

I have an eclectic, holistic approach in working with people. I believe in helping people recognize and utilize their strengths to overcome any challenge they might face. In this process, we can explore any unconscious blocks that might be interfering with connecting with others and their environment to make the most of each moment. I believe that the “here and now” is where we experience life to the fullest. Along these lines, I try to help people find the balance between their emotional and reasonable minds to effectively problem solve issues to be addressed.

Please call or email me for an individual, couples or family therapy consultation today.

Neil Friedman, LCSW
629 State St #104
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(805) 319-0304 
[email protected]
Santa Barbara CAMFT Member

Santa Barbara Therapy

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